Wednesday, February 15

From the Fracking Front: 5 Noteworthy Narratives

The U.S. Department of Energy may have recently cut its estimates for natural gas reserves from the country’s shale formations by 42 percent, but the volume of news coverage that high-volume hydraulic fracturing (aka fracking) – what Time magazine called “the biggest environmental issue of 2011” – continues to receive has not declined one bit. A lot of the latest news relates to President Barack Obama’s election-year State of the Union comments touting the important role that natural gas development can play in the U.S. economy.

Whether you take the President at his word – agree or disagree with his view or doubt his support for shale gas – there are many other noteworthy narratives in the debate over whether “to frack or not to frack.” Here are five:

EGO Centric Blog

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