Wednesday, February 15

Queensland signs up to coal seam gas agreement: Media Release

Queensland has become the first state to sign up to strengthened regulation of coal seam gas and large coal mining developments.

In November, the Prime Minister wrote to the Premiers of NSW, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia and the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory seeking cooperation to strengthen the regulation of CSG and large coal mining developments that may have significant impacts on water resources.

This was in response to community concerns about the management of the impacts of these activities on important water resources and to fill the critical gaps in scientific understanding about these impacts.

The Australian Government welcomes the Queensland Government’s support for the National Partnership Agreement on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining.

A strong coal mining and coal seam gas industry will generate significant economic benefits for Australia, through increased investment and the creation of jobs, and is important to energy supply and security.

Media Release
Australian Labor Party

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