Friday, February 17

'Wind farms are a cost-effective alternative': Wales

FROM mining to wind farms, shopping bag charges to home insulation, Evening Post reporter RICHARD YOULE puts 10 questions to Welsh Government Environment Minister John Griffiths.

Q. What is the Welsh Government doing to insulate homes and where does the money come from to do it?

A. Since the establishment of our Home Energy Efficiency Scheme in 2001, we have invested more than £134 million in measures including insulation that has helped to make more than 124,000 Welsh homes more energy efficient.

Our approach is strengthened by Arbed, our strategic energy efficiency scheme, which is taking an area-based approach to driving up the energy performance of homes in some of the most deprived areas in Wales. Phase 1 of Arbed has seen an investment of over £60 million pounds in Welsh homes, and a further £45m will be invested as a result of phase 2 of Arbed. It is funded by the Welsh Government, European money, energy suppliers, registered social landlords and councils.

Q. Do you have any powers to force private landlords to insulate their properties?

A. Under the existing Housing Health and Safety rating system, local authorities already have powers to take action where lack of warmth is deemed to be a serious risk to tenants. Going forward, in conjunction with the UK Government we will be introducing measures under the Energy Act that will place obligations on landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their properties.

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