Friday, February 17

Australia Loans to Rise on $90 Billion of Energy Debt, CBA Says

Feb. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Project finance and infrastructure debt will swell Australian syndicated-loan volumes as firms seek more than $90 billion of funding for energy projects, according to Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
Six coal-seam gas and liquefied-natural-gas projects in three Australian states will require loans in the “short to mid-term,” the Sydney-based bank wrote in a report published today. Public-private partnerships will also seek to raise debt in 2012 to build hospitals and prisons, according to the report.
“The large LNG project pipeline in the natural resources sector in Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia will likely require bank debt finance, translating into elevated loan-market volumes,” according to the report. “Project finance and infrastructure transactions will drive new money deals in the loan market in 2012.”


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