Thursday, February 9

Great Grandmother walking for a future against Coal and Coal Seam Gas

Queensland is planned to becoming an industrial wasteland with 34 coal mines and 40,000 coal seam gas mines, pipelines, railway and port facilities scheduled for development. At 71 years of age June Norman will walk the 500km to showcase the beautiful Australian country and farmland the Wandoan Coal Mine and Queensland CSG industry will destroy.

June Norman, a great grand mother, shared her desire for support for walk along the proposed gas pipeline and coal rail corridor to peacefully highlight the need to create a sustainable future whilst connecting with communities affected by these industries.

“I’ve seen the impacts of the mining industry and I am really concerned, where will my grandchildren source their food and what quality will their water be? This industry needs to be slowed down and managed in a more sustainable manner.” said June.

Friends of the Earth

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