Saturday, February 11

EPA investigates Port Campbell gas plant noise complaints

Dairy farmer Kevin Tesselaar has voiced his concerns about the Port Campbell gas plants.

INVESTIGATIONS into gas plant noise levels at Port Campbell will continue as the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) asks impacted residents to call its pollution hotline.

Nearby resident Greg Clarke last week criticised Origin Energy and TRU Energy for self-regulating their gas plant noise levels at Port Campbell, but also called on the EPA and Corangamite Shire Council to hold the companies accountable.

Melrose Road dairy farmer Kevin Tesselaar has also voiced his concerns to councillors, claiming noise from the plants “spooked” his cows, which are sometimes as close as 800 metres to the plant.
“If they know they’re going to be venting gas at 2pm on Friday, I’d like a phone call so I can at least move the cows to a further paddock,” Mr Tesselaar said yesterday.

“They’ve only gone through the fence once but they’ve definitely been spooked.

“The bloody gas plant doesn’t come and fix the fence for me.

“We hear the gas plant and we hear the trucks.

The Warnambool Standard

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