Wednesday, January 4

Occupy State Forests Says NSW Government: If You’re A Coal Seam Gas Company

Documents released under a Freedom of Information request reveal the NSW government receives just $2500 per year for each active coal seam gas well in Pilliga State Forest under the land access agreement negotiated with Eastern Star Gas in February last year.

A statement from Greens NSW mining spokesperson Jeremy Buckingham noted:
…the agreements released by Freedom of Information revealed that Forests NSW was only receiving a pathetic $2,500 per annum from every active coal seam gas well.
Eastern Star Gas (now purchased by Santos) has previously said that each well in the Pilliga project would produce revenue of approximately $800,000. A $2,500 payment per well means Forests NSW will receive only 0.3% of the revenue from each well.

QW Magazine
Kate Ausburn Article Author 

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