Wednesday, January 4

Fracking Earthquake Connection Widens, Canada Getting Into It Big Time

Youngstown, Ohio ushered in the new year with a 4.0 magnitude earthquake, after which officials ordered five wells shut down that were receiving wastewater from natural gas fracking.

The earthquake followed 10 smaller tremors during 2011, all centered around the wells.

The wells were used to dispose millions of gallons of brine and other waste liquids created during the fracking process, mostly in Pennsylvania.

The waste was injected under pressure into 9,200 feet deep wells.
Scientists suspect some of the wastewater migrated into deeper rock formations, allowing an ancient fault to slip.

Arkansas and Texas experienced earthquakes suspected to be linked to fracking last year.  Ohio Governor John Kasich vows to continue using the state's 177 other disposal wells and to pursue uninterrupted fracking, even as many call for a moratorium. 

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