Monday, January 16

Gov’t should stop spying on climate movement

If you are an activist peacefully campaigning for a clean energy future, the federal Labor government believes you are a legitimate target for secret surveillance.

Fairfax News’ Phillip Dorling reported on January 7 that resources and energy minister Martin Ferguson had asked for federal police help to spy on anti-coal campaigners. Even worse, documents released to Fairfax after a Freedom of Information request showed Ferguson acted after urging from coal industry lobbyists.

Also, at the behest of the fossil fuel energy industry, Ferguson has pushed for stiffer criminal punishments for protests that interfere with “critical energy infrastructure”.

The documents showed Labor attorney general Robert McClelland responded to a September 2009 letter from Ferguson, and said ASIO and the federal police routinely monitor climate action groups. He also said these groups are sometimes the target of “covert operations”.

Green Left

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