Friday, February 17

Policy Statement on Coal Seam Gas Extraction: Draft


A massive expansion of Coal Seam Gas (CSG) extraction in Australia has been driven by a demand for natural gas for electricity production partly because as a fuel it is more efficient than coal and oil.

However, the extraction of CSG

CSG extraction is damaging to the environment and to our health. Water and food quality and security are key determinants of health and CSG threatens both.

Contamination of drinking and agricultural water supplies is the greatest concern and is due to the chemical additives used during drilling and hydraulic fracturing, degradation products, and also the compounds that are mobilised from sediments during the mining process. These chemicals can include toxic, allergenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic substances.

Doctors for the Environment
results in the release of ‘fugitive’ methane and CO2 emissions that negates the increased efficiency of gas-fired power stations. Therefore CSG overall is not a cleaner fuel, nor a solution to climate change.

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