Saturday, February 11

More Locations of Black Tar Stain Located

In reports to the NSW Department of Trade and Investment (DTII or the old DII or the older DPI) made on the 16th. January 2012 and the 22nd. January 2012, were locations of more “black tar-like stains” associated with what looks like spilt a petroleum product as the soil around these stains has an oily appearance. these locations within the Pilliga East State Forest of NSW Australia, are as follows : Bohena 6, Bohena 7, Bohena 3, the north and south side of the Bohena Evaporation ponds and into the State Forest, Bibblewindi 22 and the Eastern side of Bohena Creek Road on the Northern Gas line to Wiliga Park power Station.
Senior Santos Employees were shown all the sites except the Bohena 3 “stains” which had not become evident when I conducted a tour of the Environmentally Damaged areas with them on January 4th 2012, that the previous Licence holders especially Eastern Star Gas had caused.

The reaction of the Santos people was one of complete disbelief that this damage could have been allowed to go unnoticed by either the Administrating Government Authority, the Company Executives, and the Company Employees in the field, and yet it had, despite reports to the NSW Government Department responsible for protecting the Environment the Dept. of Trade and Investment Maitland NSW. State Forests have to bare blame as well for what has happened within their Administered State Forest, they did nothing when reports were made to them either, and when they did investigate, the findings were always favourable toward the Gas Company Eastern Star Gas.
The reaction of the NSW Department of Trade and Investment Maitland NSW beggars belief, in a reply to the first report of other tar like locations, a senior official of that department stated in an email, and I quote :

The incident, cause and effect of “black tar like substance” in the State Forest are inconclusive in your photos and stated observations, but will be assessed in this Department’s continuing investigations of your complaint of 4-1-2012 concerning “black tar like substance”. please note that this relates to and is a continuation of the Department’s current investigations of a complaint (by others) 0n 28-10-1011 of tree deaths at the Bibblewindi water facility.

Save Our Recharge Environment

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