Friday, February 10

LNG and the great US Gas glut

This story was first published for subscribers on 24 January, 2012.

By Greg Peel

America is a strange place. But you didn't need me to tell you that. One only has to look at the funniest show on television at the moment, the absurdist comedy known as the Republican Nomination Race. Never before has a political contest been so publicly and viscerally hate-filled, and these people are on the same side.

The nomination race has taken over in popularity from last year's big US hit ? The Great Congressional Deadlock. Or perhaps it's really a spin-off. The Republicans clearly feel they can destroy the Democrats by leveraging off their lower house majority and carrying their policy shut-down all the way to the elections at the end of this year. The Republicans, who are in opposition, have given the Democrats, who are in government, deadlines on public policy decisions. One of those involved a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline.

9 Financial News

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