Monday, February 13

June Norman: Walking for a Future

This is the start of the 500 km walk from Dalby to Gladstone to highlight the impact on Queensland from the Coal and Coal Seam Gas industry. What Is Walking for a Future?

Walking For a Future is a 29 day walk of almost 500km along the proposed gas pipeline and coal rail corridor to peacefully highlight the need to create a sustainable future whilst connecting with communities affected by these industries. This walk will culminate at Gladstone on March 8th, 2012, the same day that UNESCO will be assessing the impacts that these industries are having on our World Heritage Listed Great Barrier Reef and the surrounding Marine Park on March 8th 2012.

 You are invited to be part of the journey by doing one or more of the following: 

 - every step counts, walk with us for an hour, a day or all the way
 - organise a welcoming event in your town
 - provide food and showers for those participating in the walk (we will have camping 
 - promote the walk through your networks
 - any other contribution that you may feel appropriate.

This walk is endorsed by Friends of the Earth, Lock the Gate Alliance and Footprints for Peace. It is a drug and alcohol free event in solidarity with indigenous and non indigenous people from around the world whose communities have been devastated by the effects of drugs and alcohol. Alcohol has also been used by the Multi National corporations to divide communities, helping them gain control of the mineral rights for the area.

 Please see the itinerary in the document section or click the link below.

 For more information please email or phone June
 0438 141 169 or Potts 0438 566 266.

Walking for a Future against Coal and CSG in QLD

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