Friday, February 17

Green light for coal seam gas: Sydney

MINING companies have received the green light to drill for coal seam gas in more than 100 sites around Sydney including the inner city.

A NewsLocal investigation has pinpointed 114 coal seam gas exploration wells in Sydney where digging has already taken place, including a 1251m shaft off Military Rd, Port Botany, and 800m deep wells at Debnam Court.

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There are 73 coal seam gas production wells within 20km of Camden according to Department of Primary Industries data, including sites at Spring Farm, Currans Hill and outside Rosemeadow.

In the same 20km radius there are another 83 exploration wells where mining companies are approved to search for coal seam gas.

A Bamberger and Oswald report recently highlighted possible links between gas mining and air, soil and groundwater contamination.

“Many of the methods, chemica ls and techniques used in US conventional and unconventional gas extraction are the same as those used in Australia with coal seam gas,” The Greens mining spokesman Jeremy Buckingham said.

“The risks are far too high and the consequences too great to unleash this industry in NSW.”

Inner West Courier

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