Friday, February 17

Govt asked to step on gas over CSG chemical assessments

The National Farmers Federation has raised concerns about the use of chemicals by Coal Seam Gas companies on agricultural properties and the consequences for landholders who have to sign vendor declarations guaranteeing the clean health status of their livestock.

The national farming body has asked the Federal Government to step on the gas over chemical assessments and to pump greater resources into helping the national chemical assessment regulator to assess the new chemicals being introduced to farms by gas companies.

Industrial chemicals used in the CSG industry were fast becoming a legal issue for farmers who had statutory requirements to sign vendor declaration forms for livestock and other commodities produced on their land.

“Farmers need to be assured that the chemicals that come into contact with commodities on their farms are suitable for contact with agricultural produce, and the relevant withholding period has been enacted,” NFF said in its most recent 2012 federal budget submission.

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Beef Central

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