Tuesday, February 14

Beattie talks up Gladstone

TO BE fair, Peter Beattie may not have had the whole story when it comes to development in Gladstone.

In town yesterday on behalf of the Federal Government with the Department of Industry Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education resources sector supplies envoy Mr Beattie said he was here to talk to manufacturers about how they could get a fair share of Gladstone's resources boom.
Mr Beattie said Gladstone was set to become the world model for industry development.
"I have to say Gladstone should be proud of what it has done," Mr Beattie said.

The Observer

Editor's Note:  There is nothing in the newspaper article that speaks about the sickness to the fish life that has been brought about by all this "prosperity".  The Government must think we are all idiots when they trot out ex polies who have not much else to do.  Get real people - Gladstone Harbour is SICK and why is it SICK?  Hmmmm

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