Wednesday, January 11

Time to Celebrate People!!


The Black Cockatoo Blog has just uploaded Post Number 2000.

In August of last year the Black Cockatoo Blog was born to bring information to  the starved people of Australia - news of the upcoming invasion of Coal Seam Gas Mines onto our much beloved suburban house blocks, properties, farms that have been in families for many years - polluting our rivers, dams, and more importantly the waterways that produce the food that we eat.

At the beginning I wasnt sure how much information would become available and I thought it would be a piece here and a piece there...  how wrong was I?  Every morning my inbox is full to the brim of news from all over the country and in fact the world.   By lunch time, its full again - when I sit down to my laptop at night ...

In conjunction with the Black Cockatoo Blog, The Black Cockatoo Facebook Page was born as a mechanism to  network  and pass back and forth the news with the many anti CSG groups that are now on the frontline  of fighting this travesty for all Australians and generations to come.

2011 was just a warm up folks.  2012 is the real deal.    Together people we are unstoppable.


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