Thursday, January 19

Readers dig deep on mining

Mining dongas near Wheatvale have caused concern in recent days though they are reported to only be passing through.

THE debate about mining in Pratten got louder this week, with no less than 20 comments posted on the Daily News website by readers all wishing to voice their thoughts.

Readers posted all angles of the mining debate, some advocated for the industry in the region and others retorted to scathing comments.

"This is fantastic for the region," betweenthelines from Amiens wrote.

"Each region must play its part in the growth of the world.

"I hear comments such as 'we need farmers to grow the food for the world' however when it comes to mining we see this old school mentality rear its ugly head. How much environmental damage has been done with the current farming practices?"

Farmerjack from Hampton agreed that mining was important to all communities, using the analogy "you can't eat coal for breakfast but you need it to cook your toast".

Warwick Daily News

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