Monday, January 2

The Queensland Government is now the Marketing Company for Coal Seam Gas.

A week or so ago I received in the mail addressed “To The Householder” a 15 page booklet bearing the State Government logo and entitled ‘Your questions answered coal seam gas and liquefied natural gas in Queensland”.

Predictably it is all UP UP UP.

Some of the points made include that LNG burns cleaner than coal, that fraccing uses mostly just sand and water, underground water is monitored, Queensland’s best cropping land will be protected, there is a high level of environmental regulation,landholders’ rights are protected and that there is independent scrutiny.

One paragraph happily tells us that “Coal seam gas extraction in Queensland will not drain the Great Artesian Basin.”

I don’t think anyone ever claimed it would.

Just Grounds Community

Posted by Joanne Rea on January 2, 2012 at 8:52am

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