Friday, January 13

Pilliga CSG wells face rehabilitation

Santos says it is rehabilitating five of 40 coal seam gas (CSG) wells in the Pilliga State Forest.

The Nationals' Member for Barwon, Kevin Humphries, yesterday toured the site, including the 10-year-old Bohena Number Six well.

He says the same cap-and-pipe system used on old artesian bores, where layers of mud and concrete are laid down, will restore the well-heads to their previous natural state.

"These guys are in the process of monitoring as they go, it's been a tried process for quite some time where you've got sensitive areas and where you're looking to put in a larger number of bores," he said.
"That obviously has got further implications which is why we've got to take things very slowly and make sure that we've got the right protocols in place before that happens.

ABC New England North West

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