Monday, January 9

Mayor puts mining ban on agenda

ONLY weeks after the Scenic Rim called for the State Government to rescind mining permits, the Mayor of the Somerset Regional Council is calling for a moratorium into the industry in the Brisbane Valley.

Somerset Mayor Graeme Lehmann will be proposing the moratorium at next week's council meeting with the intention of becoming the first Queensland council to ban coal mining and coal seam gas extraction.

Cr Lehmann said he would be calling for the ban following community concern.

"There has been a great deal of concern in the local and broader community about the potential impacts of the proposed coal exploration and potential for coal seam gas mining in the Somerset region," he said.

However, a moratorium put in place by the council would have no real power, with the final decision on mines and energy developments lying with the State Government.

Despite this, Cr Lehmann said his proposed moratorium was not merely symbolic.

Queensland Times

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