Tuesday, January 17

Gas's seep recognised

ENERGY Minister Chris Hartcher has acknowledged coal seam gas exploration is a potentially divisive issue for some Hunter communities.

‘‘The NSW government recognises the concerns of some communities affected by coal seam gas exploration and would encourage concerned parties to work together,’’ he said yesterday. Mr Hartcher’s comments follow a report in Saturday’s Newcastle Herald highlighting the rifts that are appearing in Hunter communities affected by the coal seam gas industry.

Some individuals have reported malicious property damage after signing gas exploration agreements. Many are looking to the government’s forthcoming strategic Hunter land use policy to clarify which areas will be open to future gas and mining activity.

The Hunter Valley Protection Alliance renewed its call yesterday to have the Hunter’s vineyard region ‘‘ring-fenced’’ from gas exploration.

“It’s crucial to retain a balance when it comes to land use, and current viticulture, agriculture, horse breeding,’’ alliance spokesman Stewart Ewen said.

Newcastle Herald

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