Tuesday, January 17

'Fracking' starts to tap Central Louisiana's shale-wrapped oil and gas

This aerial photo shows a well called Bentley Lumber 34H #1 in northwest Rapides Parish. The well uses horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, a technique that concerns some environmentalists. Roy O. Martin III, part of the ownership of the well, says, “I truly believe that everything we’re doing is environmentally sound.”

A newly drilled well in northwest Rapides Parish that's producing hundreds of barrels of oil and liquid natural gas a day could be the first of many in Louisiana's central parish that uses horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking."

That is a controversial technique that some environmentalists say pollutes underground water supplies.

The well -- named Bentley Lumber 34H #1 and operated by Indigo Minerals -- bores thousands of feet down in land owned by third-generation forester Roy O. Martin III and his family, who own hundreds of thousands acres of Louisiana forestland. Most of the Martin land is pristine timber acreage, which supplies the family's many wood-products businesses.


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