Friday, January 13

CSG eroding faith in science

SCIENCE should be the one aspect of our lives with unquestioned credibility. After all, its very definition is that outcomes can be tested and proved in a systematic way.  

So - when all our once highly valued institutions are held up to ridicule - science should be a fortress for the truth.

Sadly, more and more people are ignoring it, rejecting it or twisting it to meet their own agendas.
It is getting to the point where science has become a political weapon or, at least in the minds of some, an elitist point of view used to clobber the less powerful.

The vacuum this creates leaves room for speculation, lies and distortions.

Right now, this seems to be occurring in the resources industry in Queensland.

In the coal-seam gas industry, science has been used to buttress the case for the $45 billion development of three LNG plants in Gladstone and the thousands of CSG wells across the Surat and Bowen basins.

Courier Mail

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