Friday, November 4

Premier Laughs off Gaffe

Premier O’Farrell is caught between the two queens, (left) 2011 Jacaranda Queen Nikki Mackie and Clarence Valley Council’s queen for their performance, Jamie Noy.

AFTER spelling his candidate's name wrong on a twitter post about visiting Grafton, NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell walked the streets of the Jacaranda city yesterday showing his support for Chris "Galuptis".

Almost two hours after arriving at Mr Gulaptis' Prince St campaign office dressed in a tie, after soaking up Jacaranda Thursday celebrations, Mr O'Farrell held a press conference, sans tie at Market Square.

Mr O'Farrell laughed off the spelling gaffe, saying it was probably auto-correct that resulted in Mr Gulaptis' name being spelt wrong.

Daily Examiner

Editor's Note:  First glance at the headline, I thought it read, "Premier is a Gaffe" .... and when I read the article I  still thought it should have been entitled "Premier is a Gaffe".  Read the article and definitely read the comments after the article.  SQUAWK!!  SQUAWK!!

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