Monday, October 31

Govt Heeds Farmers' Calls on CSG

THE National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) has welcomed the call from the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry that a harmonised framework be developed across all States and Territories on future coal seam gas developments.
NFF President Jock Laurie said the Minister’s comments reflect the NFF’s recent discussions with the Prime Minister.
“We spoke to the Prime Minister just last week about the need for a consistent approach across all jurisdictions on the issue of coal seam gas,” Mr Laurie said.
“The regulation that currently governs the exploration and development of coal seam gas is primarily a state responsibility, and varies markedly across state boundaries.
“But many of the issues that the agricultural industry has raised, including the potential impact on water resources, the regulation of the use of chemicals and the interaction between coal seam gas companies, landholders and the communities, are issues across all jurisdictions so there is a real need for a common approach.

Stock and Land

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