Thursday, October 27

Coal Seam Gas Debate: Drew Hutton on Tony Delroy's Programme

Coal seam gas is relatively new to Australia and has been causing a lot of controversy. Could it be the answer to our energy problems?

Do we know enough to assess its risks? We hear both sides of the debate with guests Drew Hutton and Rick Wilkinson joining Rod Quinn in the studio.

Click Here to Go to Audio

Nightlife with Tony Delroy

Editor's Note:  The link above is to the radio programme ABC Nightlife with Tony Delroy.   Its a long interview but well worth listening to.  Drew asserts CSG research is almost entirely funded by the industry. Rick Worthington goes haywire asking for proof of what he calls an outrageous proposition.  Drew provides the proof and Wilkinson goes deafly quiet.  Well worth the listen.  SQUAWK!!  SQUAWK!!

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