Friday, August 3

New laws improve safety of CSG: Minister

The State Government has introduced new laws which it hopes will make the Coal Seam Gas (CSG) industry safer.

Natural Resources Minister Andrew Cripps says the laws will improve the way CSG companies deal with untreated water.

Landholders have been concerned about untreated water being stored in containment ponds and being treated on-site.

The legislation allows CSG operators to send it away to centralised treatment facilities.
Mr Cripps has told Parliament it will make the industry safer and more environmentally friendly.

"These amendments will support improved environmental outcomes and increase regulatory certainty for the state's emerging CSG to LNG industry," he said.

"[It] delivers a more efficient framework for the safe storage, transportation and treatment of CSG water and brine from and on individual petroleum leases, and between lease areas.

Mr Cripps says the legislation enhances the possibilities for beneficial use of treated CSG water and encourages the commercial disposal of salt recovered from brine.

ABC News

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